Business Today

Web Developer

Laravel website hompage on a laptop screen.

A publisher website developed for Business Today. During the UI/UX phase for the system, we understood the design of the system. Company wanted the website to look identical to their Business Today magazine. Magazine cover has different grid format every month and website had to look similar to the magazine cover. Therefore, we had to build a customized grid system which allows to have different article sizes and designs. Website had to hold the past months' PDF archives and accessible to view them through PDF therefore we used a flipbook. When a user clicks on an article to read, at the bottom of the article a flipbook is suggested on which month issue is the article was published and on which number of the magazine and if the reader prefers, it allows reader to read the article in the flipbook. Front-end was developed mainly using ZURB Foundation and Sass which allowed me to learn more of ZURB Foundation. Back-end was developed using Laravel framework.

Major requirement of the website is to make it easier for the editorials to understand the system and allowing them add monthly articles. This means system needed a very simple yet feature-rich CMS. We chose to build the admin panel using Twill which is an open source Laravel package that helps developers rapidly create a custom CMS. Twill had required features still we had to override some functions according to the system requirements. Grid system for the homepage had to be custom added since Twill doesn't have the functionality.

As a web developer, I contributed to the project as a front-end mostly while doing tasks of back-end as well.

Note: Website is successfully completed yet it has not been assigned to the company domain since company is facing some business crisis. Though it is available to view on the draft link.

Live website:

Technologies and tools

Laravel, ZURB Foundation, Sass, AWS, MySQL, GitKraken, VS Code

Laravel website homepage
Laravel website category page
Laravel website articles page
Laravel website customized page
Laravel website flipbook for PDF
Laravel website contact page
Laravel website about page